
The childcare at Sternenmehr is a high quality childcare offer for children from the age of three to primary school age, which can be booked at short notice.


Care personnel and scope of care

The care is provided by professionals at daycare level, but because it can be booked at short notice, even for individual hours or days, it does not pursue an educational standard comparable to a daycare center.


Opening hours

The Sternenmehr is open on weekdays from 07:00 to 21:00 and on Saturdays from 08:00 to 18:00. There are no vacations or closing days except for the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day and public holidays and Shrove Monday.



A full board with breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and, if required, dinner is offered. The catering has been awarded the “Fourchette verte – Ama Terra” label and is thus based on the criteria for balanced meals for young children according to the Swiss food pyramid.

The baby porridge is mainly prepared by ourselves in organic quality. If special food is required, we use long-standing daycare center suppliers with organic quality and brand-name products.



You can get an overview of the costs on the leaflet “Overview prices Sternenmehr“. In addition to meals (individually bookable), all hygiene products are included. All excursions and participation in the daily program carried out within the framework of childcare are also included in the price.

We currently require a 48-hour lead time (two business days) to organize childcare.

Please note:

If we receive less than three bookings for the care on a Saturday or less than three bookings for the care on a Saturday, we will be informed. children are present at the same time for care at Sternenmehr, the price is CHF 35.00 per hour of care. We can inform you about the current booking situation 48 hours before the start of the desired care in each case.

According to §8 of the Ordinance on the Care of Children in Day Care Centers and Day Families (Kindertagesstätten- und Tagesfamilienverordnung, KTV), a child may attend a maximum of one day care center. 16 hours per week of care at Sternenmehr.


Isabelle Kirschbaum

Phone +41 61 261 45 61



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